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Lesbian Dating, Relationships, and Sexy Encounters
as some of you already very well know what a No Show is, either from personal experiences of from talking to a fellow swing. No Shows are bad enough, but "No Shows & No Calls" even worse!! my group and i have done several Meet-n-Greets, & Hotel parties in the last few years. most swingers are true to their word and show up even if they are sometimes "fashionably last" lol. but unfortunitely even that is not always the case.

to be fair there has also been more then one occasion when a "no show" had given advanced notice of their cancellation in the form of phone call, text, or email. the reasons may vary, but most just simply say they can't make it. in our experiences most decent people will atleast give you that courtesy call of sorts.

we are looking in to doing a large house party in the near future. i would be very interested in hearing from other groups or even cpl & single that have done house parties or meet-n-greets no matter the size whether it was large or small gathering. your views are more then welcome. & if you happen to be "NO SHOW" yourself we would be very willing to hear what you may have to so also. it's only fair to hear both sides.
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Group Weekly Post 5-10-2015.
Posted:May 10, 2015 8:01 pm
Last Updated:May 17, 2015 2:52 pm

Like to wish all the ladies a Happy Mother day. On our profile last week I stated that I was seeking inspiration from fellow members about this ever posting. There were quite a few members who offered some excellent suggested. The one that to me was most likely to cultivate the most interest would and bring forth a maltitude of responses was the wearing of a "Mask" at an adult event. When gathering for an event such a Marti Gras, Carneval, Halloween, Superhero themed parties, Hottie Gras, or an Upscale Masquerade ball, to a low budget motel gangbang where hubby take pics & vids for what he says is for "personal use only" wink wink, yeah right. Its up for you to decide which one or which ones of these events suit your fancy or even your finances. that said it is almost always a given that is not you yourself, at the ever least others will be wearing a mask. The reason to do so or even not to do so alway very from person to person.

Personally I never felt comfortable enough to ask someone why they either did wear a mask or didn't wear one. I have been on both sides of the pendulum myself, there were times I chose to where one and there were times when offered I chose to go without. most of my are somewhat in between. However it is very intriguing that ladies are more likely for whatever reason to forgo the mask, While men prefer to wear one more often than not. I find that to be some what strange, And please forgive the stereotype that women have a propensity to dress up more so then men. Or perhaps it is the old adage that more.

Just below are a few masks that I hope you take the time to view and rate. Feel free to ad a comment or ask a question. I only ask that you to be polite and courteous to
others who may differ opinion with you.

Thanks again.
Group founder
Mask #1
Mask #2
Mask #3
Mask #4
Mask #5
Mask #6
Mask #7
Mask #8
Mask #9
of course I saved the best for last. #10
0 Comments , 9 votes
Posted:Oct 5, 2012 10:10 am
Last Updated:Sep 18, 2014 5:17 am

As some of you already very well know what a "No Show" is, either from personal experiences of from talking to a fellow swing. No Shows are bad enough, but "No Shows & No Calls" even worse!! my group and i have done several Meet-n-Greets, & Hotel parties in the last few years. most swingers are true to their word and show up even if they are sometimes "fashionably last" lol. but unfortunitely even that is not always the case.

to be fair there has also been more then one occasion when a "no show" had given advanced notice of their cancellation in the form of phone call, text, or email. the reasons may vary, but most just simply say they can't make it. in our experiences most decent people will atleast give you that courtesy call of sorts.

we are looking in to doing a large house party in the near future. i would be very interested in hearing from other groups or even cpl & single that have done house parties or meet-n-greets no matter the size whether it was large or small gathering. your views are more then welcome. & if you happen to be "NO SHOW" yourself we would be very willing to hear what you may have to so also. it's only fair to hear both sides.

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NO SHOWS (2)guygal469gp
Nov 15, 2015 12:48 pm